The Bees Knees
You may forgive,
but your knees won't
Thursday 25th 19:15 - 20:30
Millers Way, Shepherds Bush, W6 7NH
Cost £20
We apologise, but due to circumstances outside of our control we have had to postpone this event until January 2021
Help and care for the knees
By Estelle Garcin and Steve McCulloch
In this 90 min workshop, learn about the structure of this fascinating joint, what it likes and doesn't like and how to take care of your knees with lifestyle, stretches and exercises.
Your workshop leaders will be:
Estelle Garcin - For many years Estelle has studied the structural movement and integrity of the body through Yoga
Steve McCulloch - Steve is an acupuncturist specialising in musculoskeletal injuries.
About this event
Join Estelle Garcin (senior Yoga teacher with 500hr Teacher Training intrigued with knee health injury) and Steve McCulloch (an acupuncturist specialising in sports and musculoskeletal injury) as they explore the different facets of the knee to gain a deeper understanding of the joint, what keeps it healthy and what you can do to help and keep your knees healthy.
Our knees are one of the most complex and articulate joints in our body. And we use them every day to exercise, get up and down and walk. They are also one of the joints that can cause the most problem, causing debilitating pain and stopping us from doing what we love.
There are some simple rules and exercises that we can follow to keep our knees healthy and even improve their condition should pain be present.
For participants to gain an understand of what can injure a knee and to give them take-away tools to maintain a healthy knee or to start to rehabilitate a knee.
Who is it for
For those that would like to understand how to keep their knees healthy and if experiencing pain, how to improve the health of the knee and reduce pain. This workshop is NOT for those who have acute knee injury.
Length: 1hr 15min